Listen To Classical For Studying

Welcome to Classical For Studying Radio Station, your ultimate study companion. We aim to cultivate a rich learning environment through classical music, enhancing focus, boosting memory retention, and making education an enriching experience.


James Foster
Morning Motivation – Start your day with James’ curated selection of motivating classical pieces. As a former academic advisor, James has a unique understanding of how to foster an inspiring atmosphere for students embarking on their daily academic endeavours.

Elizabeth Green
Afternoon Focus – Elizabeth guides you through the middle of your day with a spectrum of classical tunes specifically chosen to promote focus and concentration. With her background in neuroscience, Elizabeth deeply understands the interaction between music, cognition, and productivity.

Tom Johnson
Evening Unwind – Tom rounds off your study day with a soothing assortment of classical compositions to help you transition from intense study to well-deserved relaxation. As a cognitive psychologist, Tom recognises the importance of achieving balance and rest in an effective learning process.


Morning Motivation with James Foster
Every Morning 6:00 – 9:00 AM

Afternoon Focus with Elizabeth Green
Every Day 1:00 – 4:00 PM

Evening Unwind with Tom Johnson
Every Evening 7:00 – 10:00 PM


Classical Genius Quiz

Challenge your knowledge every Tuesday during the Afternoon Focus segment in our Classical Genius Quiz. Tackle questions about classical music and famous composers for a chance to secure exclusive Classical For Studying merchandise.

Study Space Showcase

We’re eager to see your study space! Share a photo of your study environment featuring our classical music and tag us on social media using #ClassicalForStudying. Every Thursday, during the Evening Unwind, Tom will select the most appealing and productive study setting. The winner will enjoy a one-month premium subscription to our ad-free streaming service!

Join Us Today!

Become a part of the Classical For Studying community where the melodious realm of classical music augments your learning experience. Whether preparing for an exam, working on a challenging project, or simply enjoying a good book, our music fosters an ambiance of focus and tranquillity. Dive into the calming symphonies of classical music and revolutionize your study routine with us.

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